9 Aug 2010

The Power of The Mechanical Watches

Watch: the existence of the true sense is to let his master know , the mainspring of what is to speed the release . Estimated power the monitor and power indicators that way now!

Compact case , novel of the time show the complexity of singular functions , all of the dizzying all people easily overlook such a simple fact: one to watch is a specific rate for the main winding machine to be released.

Power at the beginning

Watch the existence of the true sense is to let his master know , the mainspring of what is to speed the release . Estimated power the monitor and power indicators that way now! If you want to continue to watch mainspring to power , it must be on a regular basis to the winding chain, although the movement only after the complete chain requires the ability to run 24 hours , but in fact it needed a longer power reserve . However, the fact is little known - parts of the mainspring is not the same transmission power . Just think : When a winding is released, its transmission power is a variable ; winding on the more compact , its transmission through power lines to the escapement of the greater torque . When winding the release of the same time, power output began to decline . Power reserve watch near the limit , that is almost completely released in the winding case , swing - balance in the process of ticking the extent of the swing began to weaken the stability of the travel speed watch begin the test . Long power reserve to ensure that everyday use , the mainspring is consumed every day as part of the most constant output power , in order to better ensure accurate travel time watch.
Early clocks and evolution of the mainspring

Modern clocks and watches, some originated in 13th century Europe, primarily for the religious needs of prayer , some churches and municipal authorities on tall buildings first appeared in the "big bell . " Their operation principle is extremely simple - rely on a root object of the rope pulling focus on a thick cylinder or roller , so that the latter can then drive a pointer directed time.

Into the 14th century , this clock more and more similar to the bell tower is also mature in Europe , and the addition of the newspaper and the activities of dolls and other complex functions . Function added means increasing the power requirements , how to ensure that these complex clock accurate time and more efficient use of power ? In particular, the output torque of the issues that must be resolved ( and modern watches too much torque when full winding , winding about to run out of status when the torque is too small , like ) . With the late 14th century, more and more complex clock structure (which has to reflect the sun , the moon and the stars of the operation ), the scientific community to become involved in promoting the technological development of the power clock , so to force the release of a more uniform gear , Escapement mechanical system came into being.

In the most dark of early watchmaking , clock continued to run one day is a challenge. The winding form of the early drive to the clock , the transmission system only three gears ( 4 gears modern clocks structure ), and the running time of less than 14 hours. Unusual type of clock is not accurate travel time , but rather that they can operate . For the clock , the timing function has been good to the pendulum escapement R & D was able to achieve . And watch until the emergence of spiral balance spring , when the error was to take every day to keep within minutes . In this case, the watch is often less than 24 hours travel time is no longer a significant practical problem.
From the early craftsmen to build their own spiral wire in the fire , with a high-tech modern colors Inox ( chrome-nickel steel ), Nivaflex ( cobalt , nickel, chromium steel) , not only the winding of the material and appearance is not small change , the corresponding The mechanical structure has a number of developments. Mainspring is a coiled up metal strips , usually can reach 400-500 mm in length , coiled 8-10 ring (usually available winding a circle 6 hours driving force ) . Clockwork continuous contraction , relaxation 10,000-20,000 times without wear and tear , power is in the loose , a tight arise between . In operation, the winding inward from the outer side gradually began to release the power . In general, the winding completely around the tight power situation most abundant , and winding slack conditions tend to have less power . Reflects the early mainspring of all the shortcomings of early watchmaking : "Steel , flexibility tends to disappear quickly , transfer torque to the escapement volatility . " clockwork today have less easily broken , fragile, And the power output even less vulnerable to magnetic fields and other natural factors. The most common Nivaflex winding with iron , nickel and chromium alloy , also joined the cobalt , molybdenum, beryllium and other rare elements , not only with anti-magnetic , corrosion resistant , easy to break free from temperature effects , tensile strength and impact resistance , etc. Function , but also resilient , dynamic help smooth release . However , not yet born when a winding watches plagued the old problem - a balanced power output has always been a problem. How to function more and more complex situations more accurately control the power output of all mechanical power required to be solved.

Power Release

Taking into account the size of modern mechanical watch with style and other factors , winding are assembled in the winding box . Winding to tighten , power release . It is easy to realize the method is not foolproof . First, Clockwork and winding box of friction between the materials, the smaller the better . Clockwork pass on their own power only 55% -60 % of energy , thus improving the material is still one way to make full use of power . Rely on to run the machine winding structure and materials must be improved to reduce unwanted power loss . In this regard, the use of more lightweight materials, can clearly play a role , while a number of other structures around the gear can make improvements in power output more efficient.
Reduce the balance wheel oscillation frequency ( later referred to as pendulum frequency ) is a very simple way to increase power but very often the operation will affect the accuracy of watches , has been used less . Around the balance , there is a time in design and manufacture of watches are very intractable problem : When the power is sufficient, balance wheel swing stability, take the time can be accurately controlled ; and when the power is not strong, the swing ( swing round Swing range , called round lots ) will be significantly reduced , corresponding to beat frequency to accelerate , leading to watch running too fast when the power is running out , the watch will stop functioning entirely, this stop is very passive . In order to watch those more powerful force evenly to the release of power, most modern mechanical movement are set up outside the winding hook , and other " deceleration device " , such as brake springs, brake cone, brake gear , etc. , so that winding can be more evenly release their energy , and low in energy to affect the movement stopped before running accuracy ( the same length of winding , if not above those agencies, can go longer, but the accuracy is poor ) . Many products designed with a braking device, when the power is not sufficient to let the run-time movement to stop functioning altogether . Similar problems are often manifested in small watch clock , the 8-day power can be out of the 10-day clock although the " results " , but after two days of very poor accuracy . Large clock can be more complicated mechanical structure for winding a substantial increase in utilization ,produce power more than one year clock also goes without saying , but watch the latest record is 31 days of power .

In 1913 there was a watch called Hebdomas made up the first 8 days of power , to the 1930s, many long winding sheet factory mainly produce more than a week to run a long power watch. Today, some still insist that the watch works rely on a single winding box output power is most reliable, less prone to complicated parts easy to wear and tear caused by illnesses such as . Taking into account the output of the power box of a clockwork operation difficult to achieve even more lasting a week , so people started to develop in multiple winding box device clocks in order to provide a greater driving force . Early in the 18th century , Swiss watch two great inventors Henni Louis Jaquet-Droz and Breguet (Abraham-Louis Breguet) have been two parallel winding up box to play a more major driving force , while Germany Grasu City 's tab to master Alfred Helwig is winding up by the two series powered box to watch . In contrast, using series winding box brands the majority , one of its aims is to make the movement can be maintained automatically on the chain and a longer power also can be made even more thin . Either parallel or series to address the coordination of two different power sources are key to the problem , many other mechanical parts caused by winding box increase has become a major problem plagued engineers . The structure of multi- winding box springs made more uniform power output , while reducing the transmission of pressure . In recent years, more and more heat for the long sought after power watches and watch the increase in size , making 3 and 4 box springs box springs and other innovative structures to emerge , with so many times just to watch winding box mechanical layout More reasonable , and not necessarily just to get a more lasting power .

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