10 Aug 2010

Some Common Sense of The Watch

Test the accuracy of watches

1 . circadian error ( deterioration ) : a 24- hour intervals to determine , and can explain the accuracy of the quality of the watch , with the first school day and night actually comes a time when the school day and night and the second comparison .

2 . circadian variation error :

Two adjacent clock error variation , also called on variation . reflect the stability of travel time watches .

3 . Average day and night, error : error and with a day and night compared to the average error of several days and nights to find out the difference between average day and night to determine the error .

4 . circadian instantaneous value error : also called instantaneous deterioration .

The above test interval in a day and night conditions, the test is that all are mean .

Test Specifications :

1 . isochronous error :

24 hours a day is bad and full of strings deteriorate , the worst position number . ( symbol I) is the degree of tightness with winding walking a different error .

2 . position error :

Also called potentiometer . is different positions, the error occurs ( symbol P)

3 . Temperature Error :

Also called the temperature coefficient , ( symbol C) and so the temperature is 36 degrees and 20 degrees, the difference was instantaneous date ( 36-20 ) divided by the difference , the numerical coefficient for the temperature , which changes the temperature once every error of the watch changes .

4 . Composite Index ( symbol N)

As : N = I * 0.15 + P * 0.1 + C

Travel time of 8 major indicators:





5 . continued walking ,

6 . gap ( full strings and 24 hours after the swing )

7 . Ping Li poor ( String full swing plane and the elevation difference )

8 . Observation of the surface on

Earthquake Test:

Negative 0.1 - 1KG, 1M height, two position ==== falling body , cement .

Method of measuring the earth swing :

Take a screwdriver into where the balance wheel arm -ended screwdriver to see the distance .

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